Dead body freezer box service ambulance service ventilator ambulance service ICU ambulance service

 Types of Ambulances in Delhi Tips to Choose the Right One

Seeing ambulances on the road, rushing throughout the day with their exigency temptress’s on, has come to a sad but common sight dead body freezer box service. The COVID- 19 pandemic has challenged how patients are transported and treated in the country's ambulance service. The pandemic has brought an unknown change in the time, speed, and effectiveness of medical emergency ventilator ambulance service. Maa Ambulance Services in Delhi has made a significant donation in speeding up the process. Maa Ambulance Service in Delhi has made the process of patient transportation brisker than ever with a 3- 4 minute dispatch time and a 30- minutes turnaround time for cardiac ambulance service. And with the vacuity of expert medical staff, high- quality life- saving equipment ice box service, and professional paramedics, the team has ensured that the right transit and on-transit care is delivered to a patient mobile mortuary service.



 Delivering the best ambulance services in Delhi in the recent pandemic, Maa Ambulance Service has served more than,000 COVID cases in Delhi and 80000 around the country to date dead body freezer box service Delhi. The team has done so with the wide variety of ambulance services offered.

 Types of Ambulance

 Patient Transport

 Our patient transport provides ambulance service in Delhi for patients to reach their healthcare appointment, reach a hospital in case of emergency, or return after discharge ventilator ambulance service Delhi. When transferring critically ill patients, an advanced ambulance is used to maintain constant monitoring of the patient’s status icu ambulance service Delhi.

 Preparing for transport

There are some important effects you and your caretaker can do to help ensure that your patient transport journey is as comfortable and effective as possible


  • Make sure you're ready at least 20 minutes before the pick-up time,
  •  Have all required particulars packed before pick- up, and
  •  Inform the PT staff of any special conditions when they arrive before arrival
  •  Basic Life Support( BLS)

The introductory life support ambulance carries patients with anon-ambulatory, life-threatening or bedridden conditions cardiac ambulance service Delhi. The patient is stabilized until they reach the hospital with the assistance of oxygen, blood transfusions, and other medical drugs provided by the ventilator icu ambulance no.


  •  Lower extremity fractures
  •  Discharges to home and sub-acute care facilities( nursing homes)
  •  Medical and Surgical patients who don't require cardiac monitoring
  • Psychiatric Patients

 Advanced Life Support( ALS)

 An advanced life support ambulance is utilized for severe conditions and life-threatening emergencies ice box service Delhi. With paramedics and expert medical technicians on board, the ambulance is equipped with cardiac life support, cardiac monitors, and a glucose-testing device installed with other critical care machines as needed by mobile mortuary service Delhi. Maa Ambulance Service and its platoon selects ambulances based on the severity of the case and assign the appropriate services. In case of urgent transit between states or countries, an air ambulance service is offered.


 Medical/ surgical patients with a continuous intro-veinous

  •  Patients on a cardiac monitor
  •  Patients with potential airway concession
  • Any case deemed to have a potential complication during transport when reported by the sending facility
  •  Life-threatening medical emergencies ( For example respiratory distress, stroke, seizure, or chest pains)

 Mortuary Van/ Ambulance

 A mortuary van is a funeral vehicle used to carry a deceased patient from the hospital to the home or cremation grounds emergency icu ambulance service.


 Air Ambulance Services

 An air ambulance is dispatched in case of extremities taking interstate or transnational trips. It enables you to travel long distances in a short time with emergency dead body freezer box service. With air ambulances, you can bypass the business and reach the target destination in a minimum time. exigency medications, ventilators, ECG, and other monitoring equipment along with CPR kits and stretchers are all included in an air ambulance.

An air ambulance typically includes emergency medicines, ventilators, ECG, and other monitoring equipment along with CPR kits and stretchers near me icu ambulance service no.

 Mortuary Chamber

 Also known as a Mortuary Refrigerator or Body freezer box near me icu ambulance service. It's designed to save the body after death icu the ambulance service in Delhi. The Mortuary chamber maintains a low temperature to help corrupt ice box service near me for rent. These chambers are movable and can be hired at home as well.




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